Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hello blog. I've missed you. I would tell you everything that is going on and gone wrong since the last time I posted but there is just too much. What you really need to know is that I just have some few thoughts that I'd like to sit here and type out so you will be back in once again, when I am done.

We'll start with this weekend.
1) Friday I had a lot of fun because after school and my shower Molly, Garrett, Zach, Kyle, Ryan and I went to Coney Islander in Tulsa and then we went to the mall. Once we got back into town we went to Ben's bonfire (catchy) and we hung out and me and Molly had boy talk where Lindsey and Jessica and Molly found out about the other boy I have kissed in my life time. 2) Saturday the OHS team held a car wash via booster club. Me and the members of the fam that were still working took a break to go eat Baja Jacks before going our separate ways M, G, J, A, and E were off to psychology bonus while J went to soccer practice and meanwhile I went back to the bank to keep on washin' cars. This lasted until two. As soon as I got home, I was already leaving with RyBri to go to Glen's house with their crew. I had so much fun. I can see their bonds and it's amazing. Soon after I left Glen's I went to Ashhey's because we had a sleep over. 3) It's Sunday and now I am home.

I don't want to be the girl that wants a boyfriend but lately I have been feeling lonely in the boy aspect of my life. It doesn't even have to be a boyfriend boyfriend. I just want a boy to be around that I can hold hands with and kiss sometimes and lay around and do nothing with and we can watch scary movies and be cute with. Why am I being so boy crazy!? Okay so now that I am over that.

Ever since I have been eight years old and in second grade JessWood has always and forever will be my comfort zone. My security blanket. Now though, she isn't around as often (or ever, really) I feel like I am getting the same type of security from another being. J will always be who I am the most comfortable with but I think the safe-ness is being split in two for the time being. Kyle is start to become my safety net. I am okay with this because he is a brother to me. He is my one of my best friends. Anyway, I just needed to get these things off my chest. Thank you for listening.

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