Monday, February 7, 2011


so, i know i haven't been here in a while. really, honestly, not alot has happened. except i feel like i've moved to colorado because there is so much snow here. i got snowed in with Juice, Ld, and Ashhey. that was a blast. then i went over to Juice's for a couple of days. we had a indoor game saturday! its just me, Juice, Cari (kyle's gf), Ryan, Zach, Kyle, Robbie, another Ryan, and someone else. with Gman as our official coach. it was brilliant. i had SO MUCH FUN. then afterwards since it was K's birthday, we went to eat pizza after the game (we won by the way, 8-3 wut wut!). i felt like i was in rec soccer again, hahah. i love the boys so much. so much.

i can't help but agree with RyanBright about girls and their bodies. its such a sad issue that all these girls don't like themselves and the way they look. it hurts my heart. i am always and have always been fine with my body. i think women are beautiful in every way, shape, and form that they come in. its true. no women should ever have to look down at themselves for being "thick" or curvy. a woman should be confident about their figure. they should not let the media effect their thoughts about themselves. last year i did a research paper over anorexia and it just is a really heavy thing to think about -someone being THAT unhappy with themselves.

the other night my and my mom had a zombie marathon. five zombie movies in a row. we stayed up until 5 in the AM. i had a blast. i really am so thankful for my mom. no other mother would do that for me.

LOL my mail hasn't come since Monday -_-.

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