Monday, May 30, 2011

I am probably not going to blog frequently over the course of this summer -but then again, I haven't been blogging frequently anyhow, have I?

Okay so here is the lowdown. School ended on Friday. I passed all my classes and most of my final tests. I got a 69 on my spanish test, which I realize its not flying colours but I will take it, and I got ended up with a letter grade B in the class. Ellen's graduation dinner was last night. Stuffz went down but everything is okay now and we're done with the stupid drama and once again a strong family. Family > everything. I have been thinking a lot lately and I don't know who I should tell what thoughts I have too*. Different thoughts go to different people. It's summer and I am not going to let a thing get me down. Over the course of the weekend I have been out late, swimming, and with the boys. The boys and Ashhey and I. Just as it should be. I will let everyone in on my plans for the next week: Tomorrow (Monday) I am going to wake up (semi) early and clean the house (-________-) then I will be off to the zoo at 12 and tomorrow night it's poker night 2k11 at Ld's house. I can't wait. I just love hanging out with the family. Skipping too Wednes! After soccer camp the girls are going to Ellen's to swim!! Then that night we're having a bonfire. Thursday, I can't remember but something good is happening! We are cramming as must summer into this week because Friday is the day of Jessica's surgery. Ah. I need to make a summer to-do-list ASAP. I have run out of things to say.

*bleh weighing my brain down.

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