Monday, November 29, 2010

the very essence of my life, right here.

my life lately has just been a utter mess. seriously, i mess, i kid you not.
things are changing and if they haven't already started too slowly, i know they are going to soon. i have been living simply and beautifully. however; i know i am about to be stressed.

i have two book reports due in the span of two weeks. neither books have i read, of course. procrastinator. but somehow i am going to pull it off like a freakin' champ. so, two weeks and then christmas break. what what!

well, Ashhey is moved into a new house. it doesn't feel like home yet. but i think in time it will? maybe that is my feeling of change. but i can't be sure. however, both me and my mermaid have new friends and its so exciting. life.

so, zach and garrett purchased my monroe for me and i am in love with it. everyone was really excepting (and by excepting e.i my aunt and uncle didn't say a single thing about it which represents disgust, my coach told me to get that booger out of my face which was actually really nice of him, and my grandma told me to take that thing out, and a million people telling me i have something on my face) better results than i could of hoped for! my mom hates it actually. i don't care.

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